About the #1 Best Robot Mower Review Site
About Us
We are a father and son team that wants to help people make the best decisions when buying a robot lawnmower. We are writing from our experience about what we find and what we think are the most important things to consider from each of the automatic lawn mowers available online. We want people to get exactly the right mower for their home or business. We hope that the lessons that we have learned and the advice that we can provide will assist you in getting exactly what you need.
About our site
We are not sponsored by any individual company for our reviews. We pride ourselves in the fact that we provide unbiased information about the best options and what makes each lawn robot good for each application. We do get income from the links in our reviews but these are not biased by any company. So please if you find the information on this site useful please use the links here to buy the mower that you are after. So that we can continue to provide this information to other users online.